Deadline Extended for Filing Partnership Return in Puerto Rico to April 15, 2021 Boris PopovMarch 13, 2021
Assistance program for merchants due to interruption of operations due to Covid-19 Boris PopovFebruary 8, 2021
Law 60 Incentives Code of Puerto Rico Boris PopovAugust 7, 2019Act 22, Act 20, Incentives Code Puerto Rico Comments
DOING BUSINESS IN PUERTO RICO (we can provide tax services and audited Financials) Boris PopovFebruary 13, 2019
The Puerto Rico Department of the Treasury (The Hacienda) provided 6 months automatic extension and waived penalties for late payment of taxes Boris PopovApril 11, 2018
Puerto Rico extends deadline for filing informative returns (the equivalent to 1099) Boris PopovMarch 2, 2018
House and Senate New Tax Bill Read More Boris PopovDecember 20, 2017
New Extension of Deadlines by the Department of the Treasury ("the Hacienda") in Puerto Rico Boris PopovNovember 2, 2017
Presence Test for Bona-fide Residents of PR - IRS relief Boris PopovOctober 4, 2017Puerto Rico, Bona-Fide Residents, Act 22, Act 20